Saturday, September 17, 2005

LNG= liquid natural gas

I'm currently working on a campaign for 'safe LNG.' working with the Gulf Restoration Network, we're trying to build awareness about open-loop LNG terminals proposed for the Gulf of Mexico.

open-loop LNG terminals will chloriante about 200 million gallons of the Gulf's seawater everyday. and that's bad.

Why should you care? Well, if you like to fish or eat seafood of the Gulf of Mexico, you might be interested to know that one of these terminals could deplete fish populations by 5%.

The hurricanes have seriously hurt the fishermen of the Gulf. These terminals would only make their jobs harder.

i'd give more details, but i'm lazy... check out for more info.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


i'm taking a quick little poll...

have you heard of the term LNG?

please comment, yes or no.

if yes, please tell me where you live or where you've heard it.. (not what it is-- b/c that would give it away for everyone else..)

thanks!!!!!!!! :)

(will explain later, promise!)