Monday, August 01, 2005

another abuse of power by the bush team

our lovely president and his team just sneaked his appointee for position of UN ambassador, Mr. Bolton, in behind senate lines. the president realized his appointee would never get Senate approval, so he waited till the Senate was in recess to sneak him into office under the scrutiny of congress.

here's how some senators were quoted in the nytimes:

Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic leader, characterized Mr. Bush's
move as "the latest abuse of power by the Bush White House," while another
Democrat, Senator Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey, said in a statement that "even
while the president preaches democracy around the world, he bends the rules and
circumvents the will of Congress" at home.

(check out the whole article: )

might not seem like a big deal in comparison to other crap the Bush administration has come up with? well, it still seems like an abuse of power, and another exmample of bush getting arund every check and balance he can. and i'm glad to see that i'm not the only one who's pissed off... i guess that's a good sign that i haven't fallen completely and utterly into the wallows of disillusionment and cynicism.

what do you all think about this tasty treat from the gang at the white house?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

these are scary times under the bush administration, he pushes people into power skirting the political process and its totally legal. i don't have a problem with people being republican really, but if you are informed about what bush does it becomes really hard to stand behind this guy. if the bolton thing wasn't scary enough, he just publicly stated that he thinks intelligent design should be taught along side evolution. the man never ceases to amaze me!