Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Barack for President... a candidate for change??

I can't help but feel totally cynical when I say that I honestly cannot get behind any single candidates running for president... I thought Barack would be good--he's running on an image of change for America. yes, this is well needed, but umm... what type of change is he talking about, exactly? is he actually balls-y enough to change things where this country most needs changing?

what about fixing the situation in the middle east: he says if elected he would INCREASE the defense budget. doesn't seem like much of a change to me.

what about solving global warming: he is (or at least was) promoting LIQUID COAL... a new technology that takes the dirtiest form of energy we have and transforms it into a liquid so we can run our cars on it... great! blow up MORE mountains so our cars can pollute even more asthma-inducing and global warming causing pollution into the air. doesn't sound like the right kind of change..

i'll admit, Barack's got some great speech writers, and we were all very impressed with his family history back in 04.. but really, what exactly would he change??

What do you all think of the candidate pool??


The Dude said...

i'm all for obama...

i guess you think clinton would make a better candidate?

she scares me, i think she sacrifices children and drinks goats blood while humming the theme song to "green acres"

just my opinion

all things man @

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul and Mike Gravel seem like the only candidates with something different to say. But I am not sure I like what they say. Ron Paul has a lot of buzz and speaks truth to power but he also wants to close down a lot of departments, like the education department. It's still politics as usual.

capital city chica said...

ron paul and mike gravel? are they still in the race? if so, were they in the debates?

Anonymous said...

Yes they were in the debate, Ron Paul is famous for saying: "They attack us because we've been over there. We've been bombing Iraq for 10 years. We've been in the Middle East [for years]. I think (Ronald) Reagan was right. We don't understand the irrationality of Middle Eastern politics. Right now, we're building an embassy in Iraq that is bigger than the Vatican. We're building 14 permanent bases. What would we say here if China was doing this in our country or in the Gulf of Mexico? We would be objecting." And Guiliani was not happy about it.

capital city chica said...

aha... interesting. can't exactly say that he's wrong on the fact that we'd be pissed if some country had a huge military presence near us... in fact history proves it-- we nearly nuked the world to death because the USSR was a little too friendly with Castro. i'd have to say, though, that i can't even begin to understand the irrationality of the forgein policies of this country, let alone any other country.