Thursday, April 21, 2005

If only I had something interesting to say. I've noticed that the library is much quieter on Thursday night, although it probably doesn't take a heightened sense of observation to notice. I feel almost intimidated by writing my thoughts on the internet, for all willing surfers to peruse as they will. It's as if my own ideas aren't good enough for other people to waste their time reading. Perhaps if I made them politically relevant, they'd be more interesting. Unfortunately, talking about Politics largely depresses me. There is no political party in which I have any trust. The political system in general is so flawed, I sometimes wonder if we wouldn't all be better off romping in the woods, like Hobbes depicts.

I am in a generally cyncial mood about most things at the moment. Have I been reading too much existentialist crap? Graduation looms around the corner and life is about to hit me smack in the face.

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