Thursday, April 21, 2005

Tentative steps into the world of blogs

Call me Pippi or Pip, just don't call me late for dinner!

It might make me a Neanderthal in your eyes, but truth is, this my first ever blog entry. I must have been absent from life the day the blog craze came by, but even the hairy ape has to encounter modernity at some point. So, lucky for me, the blogging bandwagon has returned to the past for a fleeting moment, to let me jump on. Hope there's still some room!

This blog-o-mine will serve as a recycling bin for the clutter in my head. And, I am in definite need of some Spring Cleaning! It wil be a humble blog of thoughts that will most likely be seen as unimportant and unimpressive to anyone other than myself. But hey, I'm always up for a new adventure, especially if it consists of long voyages on the great sea of political commentary, philiosphical ramblings, and day-to-day musings.

Hope you all enjoy!

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