Sunday, May 15, 2005

tongue twister

here's a fun little ditty to practice. i highly recommend reciting it in front of people who you'd like to shock; those people who are still under the impression that you're little miss/mister innocent. we used it as a warm-up before play rehearsal to practice our british accents. i thought of it just now when i realized while studying for an exam I have tomorrow at 9am, that i had skipped over 70 pages that i thought I'd read.

so, here goes:
shit motherfucker damn, fucker damn damn
some motherfucker just fucked my man
but i'll fuck another fucker better than the other fucker
shit motherfucker damn, fucker damn damn

yay! it appears so vulgar when you have to type it out. but just say it out loud, as fast as you can, and it just sounds lovely (especially with a british accent!).

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